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About YCA


YouthConnekt Africa

YouthConnekt Africa (YCA) is an African home-grown solution positioned to provide relevant solutions for the global South and to support the implementation of relevant South-South initiatives to empower youth. The YouthConnekt Africa  operates as a pan-African platform with the vision of connecting African youth for socio-economic transformation. The platform seeks to empower young people through enhancing their knowledge, experiences and skills while investing in their ideas, innovations and initiatives. 


Connecting African youth for socio-economic transformation.


YouthConnekt Africa is a Pan-African platform that seeks to empower young people through enhancing their knowledge, experiences and skills while investing in their ideas, innovations and initiatives so that Africa makes progress in harnessing its demographic dividends by 2030.

Why YouthConnekt Africa Hub?

Primarily strengthening the African youth empowerment ecosystem.

Africa's greatest resource is its youth. Yet, this abundant resource has been relatively untapped and facing cross-cutting issues such as limited access to education and finances, deterring health, scarce employment opportunities and low wages, and often excluded from local decision-making. As a result, these challenges, individually and collectively, obstruct the youth from meaningfully contributing to the social, economic and political transformation of their nations and the African continent at large.


The main focus

Equipping already existing initiatives with technical and financial resources.

YouthConnekt is a platform designed to connect the youth for socio-economic transformation. The purpose of the YouthConnekt Africa Hub is to provide a holistic solution to alleviate the challenges faced by African youth by widening the pool of economic, social and civic leadership opportunities through National YouthConnekt initiatives. Essentially, the Hub will be supporting already existing African youth empowerment initiatives to propel and scale their efforts further.

How does the YouthConnekt Africa Hub work?

YCA Hub's central role is to primarily strengthen the African youth empowerment ecosystem by equipping already existing initiatives with technical and financial resources, knowledge sharing and improved national ownership of the youth's socio-economic transformation agenda.

Through national YouthConnekt initiatives, the Hub accomplishes its mandate by

Coordinating a global network to create a continental ecosystem for African youth;

Sharing experience and knowledge on program and policy design, youth initiatives, fund setting and reporting;

Providing a conduit for resources at scale and data on youth to up-skill and finance African youth-led enterprises.

YouthConnekt Africa


Jobs & Entrepreneurship

Create 10 million jobs by 2025 in sustainable job environments in emerging industries.

Education / Skills

Create 25 million opportunities through training & enrolment in workplaces.

Civic Participation & Leadership

Identify, nurture & grow 1 million leaders that provide solutions, participate in advocacy & become role models in their communities.


Develop sustainable initiatives & policies that reduce gender inequality in education, jobs, technology & leadership.

Technology & Innovation

Form a 'hub of hubs' to connect incubation hubs across the continent and provide access to markets, innovation-friendly capital from partners, and partnership opportunities with peers across the continent. nurture 5,000 digital ambassadors in each country to help connect & digitally empower 100,000,000 Africans, allowing skills to be transferred to their local communities.




Our Goals


Bridging the gaps between nations by bringing together government leaders & policy influencers to share knowledge & ideas. Working together to advance the achievement of goals for youth in alignment with the African Youth Charter and the SDGs.


Identifying existing programs aligned with the YouthConnekt goals and facilitate a platform to work together to achieve our common goals. These programs will further assist in measuring, monitoring & maintaining successful initiatives aligned with the YouthConnekt objectives.


We will seek partnerships with private sector, government institutions, civic society, development partners, and academia that will be responsible for delivering programs, bringing other partners on board, innovating & providing solutions for implementation challenges.


YCA Hub's Partners


Snake Nation
SDGC Africa
Digital Africa